Mild Cardiovascular Exercise

Gentle cardiovascular exercise can help prevent and treat hemorrhoids. Walking, jogging and swimming are all exercises that increase your circulation. By increasing circulation to your rectum, you can prevent your hemorrhoids from developing painful blood clots and help promote healing. (See reference 2.) Standing and sitting both put strain on the veins in your rectum and can make hemorrhoids worse. Try adding regular, 20-minute walks to your day.


Kegel exercise are highly beneficial in treating hemorrhoids, according to the All About Hemorrhoids website. To perform a Kegel exercise, contract your anal muscle and hold the contraction for three seconds. Repeat five times to complete a set and try to perform three or four sets of Kegels throughout your day. Kegel exercises work your pelvic floor muscles and help strengthen your anal muscles. By developing stronger anal muscles, you will help prevent your internal hemorrhoids from becoming external hemorrhoids and increase circulation to your anus, helping to treat existing hemorrhoids.


Yoga and stretching exercises are good for treating and preventing hemorrhoids, according to the Cure Internal Hemorrhoids website. Focus on stretching your abdomen and thighs to best treat your hemorrhoids. Try standing up straight, then lifting your legs up to a 90-degree angle one at a time in front of you. Repeat these leg lifts for three to 10 minutes as you are able to increase blood flow to your hemorrhoids, providing quicker healing and relief.

To treat external hemorrhoids, stand in an upright position, then come up onto your toes and your reach your hands toward the sky. Bend forward and place your fingertips on the floor, if possible. This exercise will strengthen your anal muscle and help prevent future external hemorrhoids.

Muscle Toning Exercises

Tone your abdominal and rectal muscles to help treat irritating hemorrhoids. While in a tall push up position, contract your abdominal muscles and hold for 30 seconds. You can also perform a buttock press by contracting the muscles in your buttocks and holding the contraction for several seconds, performing multiple repetitions.