What Happens When A Hemorrhoid Bursts

What Happens When A Hemorrhoid Bursts - Do Hemorrhoid Creams Work?
If you have hemroids, you may be tempted to try products that claim they can make this annoying and painful condition vanish like magic. However, most of them are a waste of money. None of these products can actually shrink hemroids or make them disappear.

At best, these products can temporarily relieve pain and itching which is what a good sitz bath can do. The bad part is that some ingredients may irritate the skin and make matters worse.

Are there side effects to worry about? Like all drugs, sclerosing agents have their share of side effects but these are transient and not everyone experiences them. What is certain is that their benefits far outweigh the risks of surgery and other painful procedures.

Other methods that work in a similar way include laser surgery (which uses an intense beam of light to burn off the hemroid) and cryosurgery (where the hemroid is frozen and falls off in several days).

"With surgery you have to suffer a bit because it's painful and may take time before you completely recover. That's not the case with sclerotherapy. It makes use of potent, non-toxic chemicals that shrink hemroids fast. The whole process can be done in the physician's office for only 10 to 15 minutes and only one injection is required. Within two hours, the medication spreads and dries up the hemroid in three to five days," explained Corpus, a phlebologist (vein specialist) who trained in New York and Philadelphia.

For enlarged internal hemroids, various treatments are available. The doctor can tie the hemroid with a small elastic band which "chokes" it, reduces its blood supply and causes it to shrink in a few days. This is the most widely used technique which can be done in a physician's office.

Since obesity is a factor in hemroids, it pays to lose weight. You can do this with the help of Zyroxin, a safe and natural supplement that will maximize your weight loss through its unique fat-burning ingredients